
Posts Tagged ‘Justin Bieber’

Wonderful Me

December 29th, 2016 No comments

Source: Barack Obama Says He Would Have Beaten Donald Trump | Politics | US News

There’s a famous scene in the classic 1975 movie, Monty Python And The Holy Grail, in which the heroes encounter the Black Knight in the forest. After a series of mortal wounds suffered in a fight including loss of limbs, the Knight insists that he can still win if only by biting his antagonist.

This scene pops to mind when you hear the braggadocio by the outgoing President on what would have occurred in the recent election had he been allowed to run again.  The delusion displayed by this opinion is perhaps the most apt summary of the worldview prevailing during his entire term in office.  The disconnect from observable reality has been a defining characteristic of the Democratic party and more extremely so in the past generation. The reality of course is the wholesale rejection of the Democratic worldview, demonstrated not only by the loss of the Presidency and both houses of Congress in the latest vote, but also manifest by the over 1000 federal, state and municipal seats lost by Democrats during the 8 year term of the sitting President.

Seventy six year old Nancy Pelosi was re-affirmed to lead the Minority house even after the massive rejection of Democratic candidates by voters under her watch.  Her re-instatement prompted her to conclude that “the party doesn’t want a new direction”, again invoking the Black Knight.  As odious a person as they portray Donald Trump to be, the voters chose him instead of them.  What does that tell you?

Usually, the bubbles of delusion are burst when they fall upon the unyielding pins of reality. The abstract world of reality is an unfriendly place for much of the left these days, due in large part to the echo chamber in which they exist.  When the closed intellectual ecosystems of academia, media and ideological thought constantly reinforces a paradigm, it’s easy to believe that this represents reality.

This explains the abject horror and disbelief displayed when their candidate didn’t prevail in the last election.  From the non-stop wailing and moaning, you’d think that Justin Bieber announced his retirement in front of 12 year old girls.  In fact, the puerile antics of many grieving drama queens are just as juvenile in their displays of petulance.

For his part, the new President-elect Trump has signaled that he will move to dismantle many of the glass houses built over the past few generations such as the EPA and that many sacred cows, (like the U.N.) may be sacrificed.  Not only will he repudiate many of the ideological goose chases by the last President, he vows to rid the country of deep rooted rot in its institutions.  This is the mandate he was given; to push back and fight for rational policies; instead of riding unicorns battling straw men.

Divide And Not Conquer

November 8th, 2014 No comments

link Wearied by partisan warfare, many women desert Obamas Democrats – Yahoo News.

The headline reads that women deserted the Obama Democrats because of partisan warfare.  That’s a big slice of round processed meat.  As politicians have learned (or not) over and over again in all societies, the only issues that really matter are the ones that affect personal pocketbooks and circumstances.

The political left have consistently employed one classic tool in their on going efforts to harvest the hearts and minds of the populace.  That tool is the balkanization of the population.  If there are aggrieved groups to pander to, the political left will position themselves as their champions, to be their voice in the larger oppressive society.  The rise of the Obama phenomenon was a perfect storm in the history of the United States since he was anointed with the role of savior of all aggrieved groups, not to mention fixer of the weather.  When he was elected, the populace lavished the kind of adoration upon him that would make 12 year old girls at a Justin Bieber concert wince. The ebullient period of his ascent in 2008 and through to the 2012 vote was a time when every aggrieved group felt that their particular gripes would be addressed.

Only they weren’t.  Instead, the agenda consisted of ideological programs that were wanted by no one except the ideologues.  From government mandated health care, to EPA lunacy, to porous borders to ill advised withdrawal of troops from the Middle East, all of these were botched resulting in the worst possible outcomes for Americans.  When the realities of having to govern a complex society within a complex world became evident, it became more and more obvious that he was woefully ill equipped for the role.  It’s as if Justin Bieber was asked to run the country.  With the inventory of failed policies and initiatives piling up like crashed cars in fog storm, even the most ardent followers and supporters deserted the ship.  When it became obvious that individuals’ circumstances were not only not improving but deteriorating, something had to change.  The results of the recently held mid term elections were a resounding repudiation of the Obama programs; by all of his constituencies.

Women didn’t desert because of bickering, nor did the blacks, the latinos, the gays or students. That’s non sensical. Why wouldn’t they desert the Republicans? That’s as logical as opening the windows because you feel a draft.  It wasn’t because they wanted the battling to stop; it’s because they wanted to stop Obama. In an article written here a few years ago, we commented on the aftermath of the 2012 vote and its implications: 2012 vote .  The thesis was that the vote then did not signal a massive ideological shift of the population since core American values hadn’t changed.   It appears that assumption was correct.  In an interview the day after this most recent vote, the President claims to have heard the people, invoking his own famous quote from his election victory years ago, “elections have consequences”.  Interestingly, he claims to have also heard the 2/3 of the population that didn’t vote.   What that quote tells you is that the President has moved to another state after the election—the state of denial.