Bully, Beg, or Bribe
link: Krispy Kreme – Promotions
Has there ever been a time in history, in any civilization, where the full court press has been applied to pressure the populace as much as we’ve seen with the recent propaganda to promote vaccinations? The short answer of course is no. Recall that at the outset, a couple of weeks of sequestration and mask wearing would do the trick. To be safe, double masking was even better. But then the fix moved from masking and distancing to a much more effective fix; vaccinations. As luck would have it, a number of vaccine makers just happened to be working on a vaccine.
It’s been well over a year into the narrative that only vaccinations can save society from a less than 1% chance of death by flu and the vaccination urgency only gets stronger. First it was the coercion approach, as in, “it’s not just for yourself, it’s also for your loved ones….like grandma; it’s the unselfish thing to do.” Luminaries were paid to provide encouragement, because as we all know, if an actor or a ball dribbler says it’s ok, what’s there to worry about? We even get to see politicians take the vax 3 or 4 times just for good measure.
Then it became two vaccinations. Then a third ‘booster’. We know a fourth one is on the horizon because, you know, variants. But it was all for the greater good.
Then it was more invasive. If people weren’t vaccinated, they would be denied entry to public gatherings, restaurants and perhaps even to consort with family members.
Then it became state policy. If people didn’t get vaxxed, they would be dismissed from their jobs, denied the right to travel and move about, or jailed; effective tactics adopted from the North Korean model of persuasive and effective government. The naive among the populace (and it turns out there are many more of them than you would expect from an educated society) fell prey to the fears broadcast to them every day on all media platforms a la Tokyo Rose during WW2.
They are even trying to bait people with honey rather than vinegar as the link above shows; Krispy Kreme is offering a donut for a jab. Just imagine if you were offered a donut for a circumcision. Some may recall that a long in the tooth singer once offered a sex act to anyone taking the jab. In fact, brothels have taken to offering free ‘services’ to customers taking a jab, in essence, a poke for a poke. Given the choice, I suppose the donut is the safer incentive.
So they’ve used the carrot, the stick and the donut to convince people that vaccination is the way to go. They’re paying you, bribing you, threatening you and cajoling you in every way to take a therapy which has accumulated a record of ill effects many times greater than any ill effects caused by the supposed pandemic. Whatever happened to herd immunity?
Those paying attention may notice that, according to those who keep records, the vast numbers of the population have taken the vax and it’s only the marginal holdouts left that haven’t. Yet, almost all of the new cases in hospitals are among those already jabbed. Anyone with a background in science or simple logic will know that one of two things is going on. One is that the ‘authorities’ really don’t know what they’re talking about. Or there’s the other option, which is more sinister; they do know what they’re doing…and it’s not about health.