The Experts were wrong….again
As this is being written, the tragedy which is US policy in Afghanistan is unfolding on the news. Over the next few weeks to a year, we’ll likely see more of the dire consequences of the failure, much of it now still unknown. With as much money, manpower and political and industrial capital that has been focused on that nation for almost 20 years, some very bad actors are going to be exposed.
Here’s another view of it. The US tried to impose their way on an ancient, proud and stubborn people who refused to back down even in the face of laughable odds. Compared to the armaments and personnel that the Americans had at their disposal, the Taliban may as well have been throwing rocks and spears. A primitive people with primitive values prevailed over a much better equipped opponent…even if it did take 20 years. They did the same thing to the Russians. The Taliban take fighting for their culture seriously.
Let’s be clear. The results were never about weapons. It was about will and vision. The Taliban, as savage as they are, have it; the Americans do not and their efforts have clearly been mismanaged by inept leadership. Soldiers can only do so much if strategy and tactics are lacking. The Taliban, through an entire generation, were able to impress their people with a vison of their lives that would not be swayed. Not even the relentless pounding of superior weaponry could move them.
Compare that to what we observe today inside the US and in fact, most western nations. The most sacred core value of freedom in all aspects of life has been surrendered by the populace with nary a whimper. Even a primitive people like the Taliban will fight to the death, for generations, to preserve what they consider to be their rightful way of life. Here in America, as well as most western nations, that very basic core of existence has been taken away from people by their governments…and it was done without any existential threat…other than fines.
Many will tsk tsk the impending takeover of the Afghan nation by the stone-age savages who will enforce strict rules of behavior and decorum upon those ruled. They will stifle dissent and oppress women and minorities. The word of the theocracy will be ironclad law. Life will revert pretty much back to how it was during the good old days of 12 BC. All color will be forbidden from their society. Never mind the rainbow nonsense we celebrate here, they’ll be lucky to get lighter shades of sepia for their summer collection.
Someone else can explain how this is different from the US experience if you happen to express views not favored by our own version of the Taliban, the American media oligarchy. Someone else can probably explain why it’s different that people there are forced to unquestioningly comply to edicts issued by a handful of religious zealots, whereas in the US, people only have to comply without question to the edicts of a handful of political zealots.
The Americans depended on ‘experts’ to fight the wars and to do what was necessary to achieve victory in Afghanistan. They lost. In fact, upon reflection, the Americans have not prevailed in any military conflict since World War 2. The haunting memories of the abandoned people in Saigon as the American helicopters left have been revived again with the Afghanistan fiasco. The experts were wrong…or we listened to the wrong experts. The reliance of ‘experts’ has created a lazy populace who think that the government knows best. As we’ve seen from the events of the last year and half during the Covid scam, the experts are failing us again.
People may have to take a page from the Taliban; fight for the core values of life that are important. Don’t give up that fight. The odds are good that the experts don’t know what they’re doing and we will prevail in the end. We should not suffer under the ineptitude of the ‘experts’. So many disasters have befallen societies over history and many recent ones can be traced to the dependence on ‘experts’ to steer events. Think of national debt defaults and bank collapses, most brought on because their stewardship were in the hands of ‘experts’. Like the military fiascos, eventually the beneficiaries of the Covid mayhem will be exposed. It will be as ugly as Afghanistan.
Touché AsIF 👍🏼
Blaring examples right before us yet unimaginably invisible to the brain washed masses.