
Posts Tagged ‘Supreme court’

I Want A Pony

October 5th, 2018 No comments

Source: Passion, chaos as Kavanaugh confirmation vote nears

Passion.  That’s the characterization of the left’s yelling and wailing surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.  From confrontations in elevators to screaming bad rhymes on the street, the naked infantilism of ‘progressives’ is on full display.

Why does this feel so familiar?  And no, it’s not just because this is the preferred tactic by the left; it’s because we’ve seen it all as parents. We’ve lived through the phase of petulant children stomping their feet, holding their breath and rolling on the ground wailing because they were not allowed a toy or a piece of candy.  Recent generations of children have been brought up by parents subscribing to the modern accepted theory of avoiding corporal punishment at all costs.  Well, now we see the costs.

We have created a generation (or more) of people that are psychologically stunted, unable to deal with disappointment rationally and whose only resort of influence is by wailing. They are abetted by a society that allows infantilism to continue well past the age at which it should have ended.  We are all aware of the padded environments of schools and universities where safe spaces, trigger words and crying rooms are not uncommon.  Entire swaths of a generation of adolescents are unable to deal with the vicissitudes of life.  They pile into issues they can’t even spell much less articulate in any meaningful way.

This is not passion.  It’s entitlement masquerading as social justice.  A lifetime of conditioning has allowed emotional and tribal mindsets to entirely eclipse any influence of reason to address issues. This dynamic percolates into political allegiances, which then produces exponents who encourage and nurture their irrational base.  The cycle self perpetuates.

The circus which has been the Supreme court nomination process has turned into a melodrama by the left literally wailing and flailing to get their way while the feckless Republicans try to mollify them by offering them candy or a pony if they just behave.  Petulant kids are not capable of acting on reason and logic, they are only concerned with getting their way.  It’s not passion; it’s whining.


Senate Kabuki

September 14th, 2018 No comments

Source: (1) Brett Kavanaugh is the focus of a letter relating to ‘possible sexual misconduct’: reports – National |

In Japan, they have a word which describes the laughable due diligence process we are witnessing today with regard to the vetting of a Supreme court nominee.  It’s called Kabuki, which is defined as: “a form of traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance, now performed only by male actors, using exaggerated gestures and body movements to express emotions, and including historical plays, domestic dramas, and dance pieces…”

The American Senate confirmation process has modified nomination Kabuki by adding comedy and deleting dance, unless you count the mental gymnastics of the Democrats’ logic as a form of dance.  A guy as squeaky clean a nominee as Kavanaugh appears to be, is probed for any hint of miscreant behavior in his entire life as evidence for disqualification for the job of Supreme Court justice.  Kavanaugh is the kind of guy who, even if he actually picked up a Playboy magazine in his youth, likely did read it for the articles.  I sure hope they don’t bring forth a witness who was called fatso, four eyes or stupidhead by him in 4th grade. To hint at some kind of unknown misbehavior from his distant past from an unnamed source doesn’t even qualify as grasping at straws.  It more qualifies as moon battery.

Speaking of moon bats, the progenitor of this recent protest is none other than Dianne Feinstein, who has been a fixture in the august senate chambers since the Wright brothers first played with planes.  You would think that someone who had just been outed for having an admitted Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years while she sat on the Senate Intelligence committee would be more circumspect at casting wild accusations.

The Kabuki performed by other august members of the Senate such as Presidential hopefuls Harris and Booker were no less comical as they pirouetted gracelessly for the public.  Instead of coming off as Kabuki, they appeared to have committed harikari as their entreaties made them look ridiculous and caused people to search for exactly which mail order law school conferred them with their degrees.

Kavanaugh will be approved; that has been a given from the beginning of the process.  But the public had to be subject to the histrionics of the Senate drama queens, male and female as they attempt to show Americans their efforts to resist the current administration.  At the very least, take some acting lessons.