
Posts Tagged ‘Ricky Fowler’s hats’

Say It To My Face

September 29th, 2010 1 comment

link Mickelson says McIlroy-Woods spat overblown – Yahoo! News.

Well I guess there has to be some kind of buzz created in advance of the Ryder Cup.  For anyone not involved in the golf world as a player or as a fan, what passes as ‘controversy’ in the golf world is amusing at best.  For non fans, very little that happens in golf can be seen as ‘exciting’.  It always amuses me to hear superlatives used to describe performances by golfers especially by the recent cast of golf commentators.  We hear adjectives such as ‘heroic’, or daring.  Come on! It’s golf! It’s 3 dimensional shuffleboard!  How can you be daring in golf?  What’s the worst that can happen if you miss a shot? Nobody crashes into your body as would happen to a receiver in pro football.

I’ll admit golf is a game requiring adroit physical talent and keen mental skills, but to characterize the exploits as heroic is a bit of a stretch.  It is amusing therefore to read about what passes as chest thumping by star golfers in advance of the upcoming Ryder Cup matches.  Somebody wants to take on Tiger. Oooh. Somebody may have disrespected Tiger. Oooh.  Not exactly Tyson vs Spinks at the weigh-in. 

With the recent ‘calling out’ of Tiger by rising star Rory McIlroy, the golf commentators will be buzzing like mosquitoes over what was ‘actually meant’, like teenage girls gabbing about their peers.  What is he supposed to say?

“Gee maybe there’s a chance I can breathe the same air as Tiger and bask in his genius.  I’m sure I have no chance to win, but just to be on the same course as him would be a lifetime honor”  ??

No, he says what any professional would say given a chance to compete against the best in the world, ” Bring it”.  The golfing world had better find more genuine drama to try to entice viewers.  This ‘he called him a name” stuff is lame.  Thus far, this edition of the Ryder Cup seems to be lack any real buzz so they’re grasping at anything.  Maybe they can talk about Ricky Fowler’s ugly hats.