
Posts Tagged ‘Grand Trump Railroad’

The Tyranny Of The Few

December 20th, 2019 No comments

Source: Impeachment Divides a Nation, a District and a Dinner Table

Unless you’ve been in a coma, you know that the number one topic foisted upon the public for the past few months has been the faux drama of Presidential impeachment.   Wars, murders, Brexit, China, Russia, Ukraine, the Mexican border: Meh, those can wait.  There’s always lots of that stuff going on.  Even global warming and shrill teenagers have been pushed to the back pages.

Contrary to what many uninformed people may believe, this is not the democratic process in action.  Quite the contrary. A small cabal of people are holding up the progress of the nation because of their discontent with an election held over 3 years ago.  How do we know this? Well if you can take any of the opposition at their word, it’s because they’ve blatantly stated that, in specific words since the last vote was barely finished being counted in 2016.   It’s the exact opposite situation of the previous President who was awarded the Nobel Prize before he even set foot in the office.

The Democrats have hijacked the process of government to hold the country at ransom while they employ arcane legal maneuvers to accomplish their aim of removing a duly elected President from office.  In the years to come, the entire exercise will be known as the Grand Trump Railroad. An objective observer can clearly see that the weaponization of process is employed here since the actual charges and accusations are beyond farcical.  Many have stated that the madness is not just petulance; it’s all about the end goal which is the ‘C’ word….Coup.

It may surprise many but perhaps not, that half of the legal posturing is from lawyers.  This should frighten everyone and brings to light the decrepit state of the legal process in the nation.   That there can be such divergence in views over the most fundamental aspects of the constitution brings into question the validity of many legal practitioners if not the entire legal system.  The perversion of a common sense policy into a guffaw inducing justification for removal is shameful for anyone who considers themselves a rational person, much less a legal practitioner.  It’s reminiscent of the famous legal contortion uttered by a past President when he said, “it depends on the meaning of what the word is, is.”

I think most assume that to attain a law degree, one must be able to understand and embrace basic elementary facets of law. If we observe the antics of the House representatives, you could not possibly come to that conclusion.  Their plaintive arguments are beyond uneducated, they are absurd. It’s as if they were trying to convince an audience of naive pre-teens.  In fact, they don’t have to convince anyone, they are essentially pontificating to themselves as if in a modern day star chamber.  This sad episode brings to light the glaring abuses now standard in the legal system.  The  quaint notions of fairness and justice have given way to obfuscation by process.  The Babylon Bee has a story in which a new ‘woke’ sport has been invented in which the goalposts move constantly; such seems to be the case with the process here.

The impeachment charade has become Lord of the Flies with the mental weaklings running the process.  It underscores that legal processes have become the ubiquitous,  obstructive and destructive sand in the machinery of civilized culture. However high the level of cynicism people have always held for the legal profession, this impeachment episode will surely push that firmly into contempt.

If they are allowed to get away with this farcical process, then it makes logical sense to draw up impeachment articles against any future President now for use when needed.  Why wait? Kangaroos have better processes.

The other half of the legal posturing comes from those who are not lawyers but morons who have sadly been placed into office by their equally vapid constituents.  And this is the flaw in the electoral process.  A concentrated community of baboons will logically elect one of their own to office, ensuring that the baboons will have a voice in making laws and policies.  It matters not that many of these could not pass an open book IQ test.  To have to listen to the babbling of these representatives is surely one of the most painful things one has to endure, just above genital waxing and below root canals.

Hundreds of years ago, a painter who labored under the name of Hieronymus Bosch depicted a dark world in which humans were made to suffer for their various sins and shortcomings as he envisioned them.  In that time, it was a common belief that stupidity and deceit could be cured by the removal of a stone from the head of the one suffering the malady. He immortalized this notion with a painting entitled, The Stone Operation.   If only it were that simple.