
Posts Tagged ‘Democratic Party’

And Hates Babies And Puppies

February 2nd, 2017 No comments

Source: CNN Lets Pelosi Smear Gorsuch As Opposed to Air, Water, Food, and Medicine Without Challenge

There’s diddling your lips crazy, there’s talking to yourself  crazy, there’s yelling at the moon crazy, there’s cutting your own hair with garden shears crazy…and then there’s Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi is the long time, and we do mean long, San Francisco based leader of the now minority Democratic House in Congress.  Despite a career of utterances of truly bizarre logic, she continues to be elected into office by her constituents.

Here’s but a smattering of her nuggets of wisdom over the years, many of which would embarrass Yogi Berra:

But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.

Don’t underestimate your opponent, but don’t overestimate them, either.

Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.

I was pampered in the fact that I had five older brothers, which I highly recommend to anyone.

America must be a light to the world, not just a missile.

Americans deserve a better tomorrow, today.

Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.

There’s a storehouse of these bon mots at Brainy Quotes.

Many of these recorded utterances are amusing, but many are simply sad.  Her most recent accusations against the incoming Supreme Court justice are vintage Nancy.  Would anyone other than her constituents really swallow the notion that Judge Gorscuch will be opposed to air, food, water and medicine? I suppose it’s possible that her constituents may only understand things in block letters and primary colors, but at what point does someone decide that perhaps medical professionals should be involved?

Pelosi is not alone in her delusional utterances; she leads an entire party prone to making accusations and declarations that not only defy credibility and logic, they cast doubt over the entire education system from which they were exposed.  Maxine Waters is exhibit B. They of course will always find a support base.  Even crazy people need representation.

Wonderful Me

December 29th, 2016 No comments

Source: Barack Obama Says He Would Have Beaten Donald Trump | Politics | US News

There’s a famous scene in the classic 1975 movie, Monty Python And The Holy Grail, in which the heroes encounter the Black Knight in the forest. After a series of mortal wounds suffered in a fight including loss of limbs, the Knight insists that he can still win if only by biting his antagonist.

This scene pops to mind when you hear the braggadocio by the outgoing President on what would have occurred in the recent election had he been allowed to run again.  The delusion displayed by this opinion is perhaps the most apt summary of the worldview prevailing during his entire term in office.  The disconnect from observable reality has been a defining characteristic of the Democratic party and more extremely so in the past generation. The reality of course is the wholesale rejection of the Democratic worldview, demonstrated not only by the loss of the Presidency and both houses of Congress in the latest vote, but also manifest by the over 1000 federal, state and municipal seats lost by Democrats during the 8 year term of the sitting President.

Seventy six year old Nancy Pelosi was re-affirmed to lead the Minority house even after the massive rejection of Democratic candidates by voters under her watch.  Her re-instatement prompted her to conclude that “the party doesn’t want a new direction”, again invoking the Black Knight.  As odious a person as they portray Donald Trump to be, the voters chose him instead of them.  What does that tell you?

Usually, the bubbles of delusion are burst when they fall upon the unyielding pins of reality. The abstract world of reality is an unfriendly place for much of the left these days, due in large part to the echo chamber in which they exist.  When the closed intellectual ecosystems of academia, media and ideological thought constantly reinforces a paradigm, it’s easy to believe that this represents reality.

This explains the abject horror and disbelief displayed when their candidate didn’t prevail in the last election.  From the non-stop wailing and moaning, you’d think that Justin Bieber announced his retirement in front of 12 year old girls.  In fact, the puerile antics of many grieving drama queens are just as juvenile in their displays of petulance.

For his part, the new President-elect Trump has signaled that he will move to dismantle many of the glass houses built over the past few generations such as the EPA and that many sacred cows, (like the U.N.) may be sacrificed.  Not only will he repudiate many of the ideological goose chases by the last President, he vows to rid the country of deep rooted rot in its institutions.  This is the mandate he was given; to push back and fight for rational policies; instead of riding unicorns battling straw men.