The End Of Bureaucratic Karenism
If you’re noticing that we’re living in a more and more regulated society, it’s not your imagination. The reality is that over our lifetime, virtually every aspect of our lives is governed by some sort of edict or decree which restricts our ability to live as free people. It’s as if we’ve all come under the auspices of a mega HOA regime with Karens ruling every aspect of our behavior.
Well whaddya know, it’s absolutely not our imagination. The US Supreme Court just recently issued a landmark ruling that reveals that our lives have in fact been controlled not by freely elected representatives, but by un-elected bureaucrats whom have steadily increased their control over society.
The Court overturned something labelled “The Chevron Deference”. Those who may be interested in the finer details of the decision can read about it in the link above or here. In very simplistic terms, this doctrine was adopted in 1984 with regard to a specific case involving fines against a private company. The Supreme Court in that year decided that they could not be expected to know the intricacies of all aspects of an issue and thus would defer to regulatory agencies because they knew best. Thus, these agencies went on to impose all kinds of fines, rules and restrictions in virtually every field of citizen behavior.
So, for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to ‘interpret’ laws to mean whatever they want and the courts had to just go with it.
As we know, the regulatory agencies exploded in number as did their arbitrary edicts. As is clear, most of these agencies were bureaucratic creations, not held to account by voters and which survived numerous cycles of elections. We all know these agencies because they are still imposing edicts and mandates to this day. The most recent glaring example of this was the CDC with their edicts on vaccinations, masking and confinement.
But there are many more numerous agencies that make edicts without any regard for public input or responsibility, some which people never think about. OSHA and ATF are such agencies, creating rules out of whole cloth that had to be followed…without legal right to do so. One does not have to be brilliant to draw a link between the edicts created by these agencies with corporations who would benefit from them. This ruling by the Supreme Court will effectively cast light on the validity of so many edicts that citizens have had to comply with over the years and we can possibly see the elimination of many of these edicts….if not some agencies entirely. We’ll all be better for it as we can roll back the years of arbitrary Karenism by unelected bureaucrats.