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In Honor Of P’Nut

November 6th, 2024 Leave a comment Go to comments

Donald Trump will go down in history as the only man to have ever won 3 national elections. As the results emerged last night, it became clear that the message he has been promoting resonated with an increasingly large swath of voters.

However, even among the media who were notionally pro Trump and certainly among many conservatives, there was still only guarded enthusiasm as everyone is residually scarred by the sudden change in voter numbers in 2020 when Trump had also apparently secured the requisite numbers for victory. The Charlie Brown, Lucy, football scenario lingered in their minds.

There is a scene in the 1983 comedy film, Yellowbeard, in which a blind beggar asks for some food from a Pirate.  The Pirate tells the blind man that he can have some chicken and proceeds to hand him a chunk of bread.  The blind beggar thanks him profusely for the ‘chicken’ and scurries away.  I’m reminded of this scene because of the masterful job of gas-lighting that the left have managed to impose over their years in power.  Regular people were made to doubt even what was clearly evident in front of them in favor of the narrative coming from the left.  Even very conservative media and many people in the general population were not ready to believe the news of a Trump victory.  They had become programmed to become cynical and fearful of optimism after years of a constant barrage of propaganda. Relentless browbeating from all fronts made people accept almost anything as truth.  It almost worked.

Donald Trump refused to be beaten.  He and a very small core population did not succumb to the narrative pushed daily from the left.  While at first marginalized and scorned, his persistence of message gathered more and more believers as it became more and more evident that the nation was collapsing badly on all fronts; economically, culturally, politically and upon the world stage.   As we all know by now, his message of optimism gathered more and more adherents during his campaign, even as there were several assassination attempts on his life. His stature as a hero, one who would literally put his life on the line for citizens, resonated with a growing number of people disenchanted with the inauthentic heroes posted by the left. He was the real guy. He wasn’t manufactured.  Rational people can sense authenticity and his support exploded across all demographics.   Perseverance in the face of adversity is as an American trait as it gets and Trump personified this. People love and identify with stories of overcoming bullies. Detractors could only point nebulously to his unlikeable personality.  Can’t please everyone.

But despite the left’s gas-lighting, their balkanization of the population into their own interest groups and the pleading of ‘celebrities’, the people could feel empathy with Trump’s message.  At the base of it all, most people just want to be left alone to pursue a life with their families. They don’t want to be told how to comport themselves, how to look after their families and to be taxed at every turn.  They didn’t want their tax dollars spent on distant wars, for questionable causes and for illegal entrants.  They reject all the ‘isms’ imposed upon them.  The problem was always that they did not have anyone to strongly champion their cause. They could see the bullying by the left in their attempts to imprison and bankrupt both Trump and his supporters and even exposed him to physical harm.  Trump’s steadfast refusal to back down struck an enormous chord with people who needed a real champion.  This message resonated with some very influential people such as Elon Musk, Robert  Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, all former Democrats who came to support Trump’s vision for America.  They recognized the dangerous path that the nation was on and they chose to support decency for the future.   Decency is not abstract.  It is not what a celebrity tells you it is.  It is comportment by oneself that is performed even when no one else is aware of it but you.  Most people know this and they see that decency in Trump.

The reality is that the US is the only place left in the world in which freedom of speech and of actions are uniquely celebrated and encouraged.  Every other nation in the world has minor to severe restrictions on what their citizens are allowed to do…including all of the notional free countries of the West. The hysterical handwringing from the left on a potential tyrannical regime clearly disregards those 3 recent tyrannical years of forced vaccinations, masking, confinement and restricted travelling enforced by police against people’s wills.

Finally, the euthanizing of P’Nut the squirrel was a clarion call for people who were enraged by bureaucratic tyranny imposed by the state at all levels.  The lack of judgement in so many facets of people’s lives demonstrated by this cruel event probably prompted even the most cynical to vote Trump.  If there’s one tyrannical edict I’d like to see mandated by the incoming administration it would be that people need to be rational and to think for themselves.  The time for groupthink is over.


  1. Christopher Erickson
    November 6th, 2024 at 10:23 | #1

    Excellent commentary… on the money!

  2. Chris F
    November 6th, 2024 at 10:39 | #2

    Sure, go after a squirrel that can’t fight back. These cowards are too scared to deal with real problems like inner city gangs. Time to fight back against tyranny! RIP P’Nut!

  3. Lisa S.
    November 10th, 2024 at 07:52 | #3

    Great summary! These past few months leading up to the 2024 election was definitely eye opening. Or should have been.