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If Voting Worked….

link:  https://tribune.com.pk/story/2481940/tulsi-gabbard-gives-stark-warning-on-kamala-harris

It’s beyond ironic that the political party that has the word ‘democracy’ implied in its name has always pursued the most undemocratic of tactics to gain and retain office. Only truly deranged and diabolical minds could create the machinations surrounding the tragic saga of the Joe Biden presidency.  I’m reasonably certain that historians will refer to his tenure as the “Joe Izuzu” administration for the outright knee slappers they’ve foisted on the public as being facts.

We’re not casting aspersions on Joe’s qualifications since he has spent all of his adult life in political office and debated with Abe Lincoln as well as fought tough gang members such as Corn Pop.  Most famously, he was against blacks before he was for them, including “that black guy” serving as is his defense secretary.

Recall that the Democrats foisted Joe as their standard bearer for the 2020 election and lo and behold, over 80 million voters apparently agreed with this choice and by some miraculous 13th or 14th hour vote tabulation, he was our guy!  We still don’t know the exact count, because they’re still tabulating them 4 years later…just in case.  His preferred Vice Presidential running mate was someone that finished 6th out of 8 candidates during the debates….by Democratic party voters, so their own party didn’t think much of her.

With Joe’s “sudden” decision to withdraw from the next election campaign, this 6th choice is bizarrely in a position to lead the United States.   And….nobody voted for her! I wonder if 80 million voters are collectively upset?  It’s as if you ordered something off the menu at The French Laundry; were told that only soup was available and eventually got served a Big Mac from the kid’s menu. You can’t complain because, you know, racist and sexist.

I’ve spoken about this topic before, of how the public is realistically removed from the ‘democratic’ voting process.  As we’ve seen in numerous elections recently, in France, in Canada and most conspicuously now in the U.S., a very miniscule part of the population determines who gets to rule over the vast number of hapless citizens.  It’s comical to hear the on-going bleats about the importance of voting when in reality, the choices and winners are pre-determined. George Carlin was correct.  If voting worked, they wouldn’t allow it.

  1. Donald Gee
    August 20th, 2024 at 07:57 | #1

    I agree. I watch the soap opera south of the border with dismay and wonder. I wonder why in a country withe 330 million people, that Biden and Trump is the best they can find. Then I remember that success in politics has nothing to do with intellect nor ability but is all about fueling the MSN machinery. It is about $$ always.

    Hope you are well

  2. August 22nd, 2024 at 06:05 | #2

    No need to look at the US. Look at the geniuses running the BC government. Socialist ideologues pushing an agenda that has no relation to logic and at the detriment of the population…and the head guy wasn’t even elected for the job. Complacency, delusion and naivete bring the same results all the time.