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Elections Matter

November 10th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments


Source: Morning of 11/9 after Election Night Drawing 9/11 Comparison « CBS Boston

drain-600-ciFrom the hysterical headlines pouring forth from the major media outlets after the Trump electoral victory you’d think that the people voted for someone who drowned kittens for amusement. Here’s a sample of the hysteria:

American Muslims react:

Celebs move:

Lady Gaga, Miley:

Science at risk:

Earth to stop spinning:

Ok, I made up the last one, but the chorus of moaning, bleating  and wailing is deliciously comical and familiar if you’ve ever been around kindergartners, except that this is happening with supposedly grown adults.  Recall that 8 years ago, a person was ushered into office with little to no political experience, certainly no useful business experience, whose orotund promises of halting the oceans’ rise and unifying the races was met with nary a blink  among rational people.

Contrast this to the new President elect who, while also lacking in political experience has actually achieved substantial success in life, contributing and participating in the classic American dream.  Protests against the Trump election are actually protests against their fellow Americans.  This wasn’t a result imposed by royal fiat; they are protesting the judgement of their fellow neighbors. We don’t recall crying and protests in the streets and campuses in 2008.  It’s the old cliché that it all depends on whose ox is being gored.

There’s a TV ad in which people drive around in a car shaped like a dog, depicting the degree to which people can become “smell blind”. Lost among the dire bleats of the snowflakes is the underlying reality that a large segment of the populace figured out that the place stunk.  That large segment of the population are more concerned with legitimate employment, exploding debt and national security than with safe places and rude language.  As we’ve mentioned previously, it was about turfing people who were professional politicians…on both sides of the political aisle.  This election was as much about cleaning house as it was personalities.

As an example, the governor elect of Missouri is Eric Greitens, a political neophyte, but an ex-Navy Seal and businessman who ousted a politico with 22 years of political tenure.  Tammy Duckworth, a democrat and former soldier, ousted Mark Kirk, a Republican in Illinois.   And of course Trump, whose lifetime of business experience, bested Clinton with her lifetime of shuffling papers and rubber chicken dinners.  Political office was never intended to be a career vocation.  People didn’t so much vote for Trump as they voted against cronyism.

If the election of Trump followed 8 years of peace in the world, full employment, reduced debt, societal harmony and of course falling sea levels, we can see the angst of the snowflakes who fear that will all change.  In fact, it’s just the opposite.  The election result will not only put a halt to cronyism, it hopefully stops the spread of delusion.


  1. B
    November 11th, 2016 at 14:19 | #1

    “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” President Obama

  2. November 11th, 2016 at 15:24 | #2

    Karma…anyway, what are they whining about, Trump used to be a Democrat!