The Crying Kid Card
To those paying attention, the tactics used by ‘progressives’ to sway people’s opinions in their favor are virtually the same from issue to issue. Rather than engage in a logical discussion on cause and effect, a discussion they would surely lose, they instead try to influence by emotion. Of course much of Hollywood’s success exploits this weakness in people; productions are most successful when some emotional nerve is struck and people are moved by a sappy scenario, which in real life is likely utterly preposterous. When Hollywood does it well, we get It’s A Wonderful Life. What they mostly put out however, are laughers like Pretty Woman.
The power of emotional imagery to sell a position is not lost on the political set. Much of what finds its way into public policy results from some event with emotional circumstances. Recently, images of crying students in Florida after a school shooting predictably re-ignited the gun control crowd. A few years back, the image of dead boy on a beach spurred international interest in Syria. Let’s not forget the classic picture of a polar bear on a small piece of ice floe to sell global warming. In reality, the bear was just going to the bathroom, but it served its purpose among the Al Gore set.
Even the image of the planes hitting the twin towers in New York were important in the now accepted policy of TSA frisking and resultant long lineups at airports today. People are willing to accept and submit to this non sensical protocol long after the rationale behind it has disappeared. Since most people are law abiding, they comply. Contrast this to the current hand wringing drama over adults with children apprehended at the US border while illegally attempting to enter the country. Naturally, the kids are distressed at the situation that their parents put them in, but the images are depicted as showing the cruelty of the border agents and by extension, Trump. We are pretty sure that crying kids would not exempt their parents from being frisked before boarding a plane at any airport. I’m also reasonably certain that kids would likely be distressed if their parents were apprehended while stealing from a Wal Mart, also a crime.
This crying kids image is so powerful that even rational thinking people are budging at the bleating by partisan parties to ‘relax the restrictions’. It’s not a big stretch to soon have people show up at banks with crying kids to demand money for housing and food and healthcare.
Come to think of it; that’s exactly what’s going on.
what happened to facts don’t care about your feelings?