
Posts Tagged ‘Kim Jong Un’

Gluten Free Only Need Apply

November 10th, 2016 No comments

Source: Boss tells pro-Trump employees to resign | Fox News

Not making this up.  What’s amazing is not the infantile (and likely illegal) directive; it’s the fact that this guy Maloney, actually convinced people to hire him.

The logical thing is to take this to the next step and announce publicly that customers not conforming to his worldview politically,  on global warming or on boxers versus briefs should take their business elsewhere.  Wouldn’t want to sully their financial coffers with money from haters and racists.

Actually, much of the hate and violent speech utterances he claims to abhor should cause him to exclude any rappers and sailors, famously known for non decorous language.  In fact, German and Japanese speakers should be ostracized as well, since, well you know, the wars, 60 years ago.

This genius is likely the product of a modern liberal education which is 50% fluff and 75% made up stuff.  He likely has an undergraduate degree from the Romper Room school of business where hugs and naps are 3rd year courses and Holding Your Breath Until You Get Your Way are electives.  Today’s liberal colleges ( an oxymoron?) are the source of the snowflakes that eventually find their way to society at large.  Free thinking and love are prized at these schools, as long as you agree with them; or else you’re a hater.  The peacenik Che Guevera is still a hero to many of the peace/love set.

The Trump election has broken the crumbling dam holding back the sea of idiots and nutters that see themselves as the righteous and principled.   They caricature themselves with their faux piety and condescending superiority towards those that dare to have divergent worldviews.  It’s an eerie coincidence that they view themselves as the ones representing peace and tolerance….sound familiar? No, not Islamist militants; much worse than that.  They proudly refer to themselves as  liberals and progressives.  Often, these zealots can be found in the usual professions in which fantasy plays a big part: entertainment, journalism, college professors and students and of course politicians.   They are not usually found in business which requires common sense and judgement.

I’ve never even heard of this company, Grub Hub, or this Maloney guy before, but I can’t imagine that it would be a barrel of laughs to work there.  If the staff find it too stifling, they can always work for Kim Jong Un.  If the company doesn’t work out, he’ll probably have to go back to living in the safe spaces of his mom’s basement.


Luck, Life And Entitlement

November 1st, 2016 No comments

Source: Mariah Carey reportedly demanding ex James Packer to pay for her home | Fox News

Normally, the lifestyles of the vain and vapid aren’t of interest here since it contributes little to thoughtful experience.  However, it’s difficult to avoid exposure to the breathless stories of their latest romances or sightings or iffy outfits,  since they occupy prominent exposure in all on-line news sources.  While some may actually possess some level of desirable talent, we note that luck is a big part of their success in life.

Notwithstanding the propaganda of the hard work ethic that we are taught to believe, it can be difficult to overcome the inherent advantage some people have simply by virtue of the birth lotto.  Anyone who denies that attractiveness is the HOV lane to success is delusional. If you are fortunate enough to have been born with an inherent talent for music, you are doubly blessed, at this time in history and in this culture.

A third important factor is geography.  While being attractive and blessed with music talent are advantages, it wouldn’t be if you were born in, let’s say, Afghanistan.  Having the dual charms of attractiveness and an aptitude for music affords those lucky individuals in Western culture,  a fairly exalted status; so much so that they are detached from the concerns and realities of the fans who put them there.

The delusion sets in and they actually believe that not only are they charmed, they are entitled to be so at whatever the cost to whomever.  This is reinforced by the army of acolytes who tells them so.

We contrast the demands of Mariah towards her estranged boyfriend to the circumstances of the wife of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un.  She hasn’t been heard from for over 7 months.  Something tells me that it isn’t rent and support demands that are keeping her from the limelight.  We don’t know if she has any musical talent, but it certainly was her misfortune to be born in Korea.

The whining entitlement of Ms. Carey is not that surprising other than the sheer scale of her chutzpah.  We are used to multi million dollar divorce settlements and other large scale damage awards based on entitlements. The real jarring reality is that this view of what she’s entitled to is merely a grotesque version of how society at large views things.  We’ve gone downhill  from the “greatest generation” of 50 years ago to the me, me, me generation of today. You can’t swing a cat these days without hitting someone or some group who feels entitled to some slice of life’s pie merely by claiming such.

Like Mariah’s once powerful voice that could elegantly hit the highest octaves, the bleating of the entitled just sounds like her aged voice now: Shrill.  It’s very sad that her once large voice has been overshadowed by her much larger hands.